There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Friday, July 08, 2005

About the Ayodhya attack

Two days ago, the Ram mandir on the disputed site of the Babri masjid was attacked by six terrorists. They didn't succeed. One poor old lady died.
Its a good sign that they tried this. After all these months, the assholes are getting panicky. They're worried that India and Pakistan may actually find peace. That the average Pakistani may discover that the average Indian does not have horns - despite all the propaganda their government has put out to the contrary over the last fifty years. That a Hindu like me could wait for Id as eagerly as any Muslim (heck - everyone knows that Muslim biryani is the best biryani, and my friend's mom makes totally awesome snacks; I always find an excuse to drop in when they are breaking fast).
Well, screw you, assholes. If you think thats gonna make me attack my neighbour you're mistaken. It isn't going work. Not in a million years. We were all part of Bharat long before we were Hindu or Muslim or Christian or whatever. Long before India and Pakistan. Under Ashoka. Under Akbar. Under the East India company, even. And thats how it will remain.

Outlook on the Ayodhya attack
The Hindu (ironically, this is India's most sober and secular newspaper and also probably the oldest english daily)

1 comment:

CJM said...

The sooner peace comes between these two nuclear powers the better.